Nuuksio National Park offers great outdoor camping opportunities. You can choose from 12 camping sites within the Nuuksio National Park or stay in a recreational area nearby. Please remember to follow the outdoor etiquette and fire alarm warnings in both cases. If you need camping equipment, you can rent tents, sleeping bags and pads, outdoor cooking equipment, child carries, and hiking backpacks from the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia.
Find more about camping in Nuuksio National Park

Camping areas with campfire facilities in Nuuksio National Park
There are nine (9) camping sites that provide campfire sites, firewood shelters with axes, and dry toilets.
Mustalampi Camping Site
- Two (2) camping areas are located by the artificial Lake Mustalampi, just 500 meters from Hawk Nest base camp.
- The uniqueness of the lake is the turf rafts floating on the lake.
- The tent areas are on the north side of the cliffs.
- There are also two campfire areas and a dry toilet.
- The nearest water point is at Hawk Nest base camp.
Haukanholma Camping Site
- The Haukanholma campsite is located less than a kilometer away from the Hawk Nest base camp on the shore of Lake Haukkalampi.
- There is a covered cooking site and a campfire site in connection to the camping grounds.
- The water must be carried from Hawk Nest, and the outhouse / dry toilet can also be found there.
- Cafe Haukka is open in the summer (May-September) and offers snacks, coffee, and beverages just 500 meters from the camping area.
Holma-Saarijärvi Camping Site
- There are two (2) camping sites, one on the southwestern shore and one on an island in the lake.
- The tent area is by the Korpinkierros hiking trail, some two kilometers from the Hawk Nest base camp.
- Both campsites are equipped with campfire places and dry toilets.
- A traditional wanderer’s hut is beside the bridge leading to the island.
Iso-Holma Camping Site
- Almost hidden forest lake in the Nuuksio National Park, located about two kilometers from the Hawk Nest base camp.
- The lake itself is surrounded by a forest and steep cliffs.
- The camping grounds and campfire sites can be found on the eastern cape of Lake Iso-Holma.
- There is also an outhouse / dry toilet.
Saarilampi Camping Site
- A small pond is located in the municipality of Vihti, in the west of Nuuksio National Park.
- The tent area and campfire site are on the north side of the pond Saarilampi.
- A campfire site and dry toilet can be found on the camping site.
- The camping site is located near Klassarinkierros trail.
Urja Camping Site
- The tent area is located in the Nuuksio National Park, northern part of Espoo.
- The camping site is by deep Lake Urja.
- A campfire site and dry toilet can be found on the camping site.
Vääräjärvi Camping Site
- The lake is located in the northern part of Nuuksio National Park.
- The tent area is on the east side of Lake Vääräjärvi.
- It has a campfire site and an outhouse / dry toilet.
Kolmoislampi Camping Site
- NOTE: The prior booking and camping fee is charged at Kolmoislampi Camping Site.
- Reservations and more information from Finnish Nature Centre Haltia.
- The bookable tent area is in the southern part of Nuuksio National Park.
Camping areas without campfire facilities and outhouses

There are three (3) camping sites without campfire facilities, outhouses, or toilets.
NOTE: Firemaking is not allowed at all times in Valkealampi Camping Site, Pöksynhaara Camping Site, and Valkialampi Camping Site.
Valkealampi camping site (without campfire facilities)
- The pond Valkealampi is located in the northeastern part of Nuuksio National Park.
- The tent area is on the east side of the pond.
- There are no campfire facilities or toilets.
- Firemaking is not allowed at all times.
Pöksynhaara camping site (without campfire facilities)
- The pond is located on the border of Espoo and the municipality of Vihti in the northeastern part of Nuuksio National Park.
- The tent area is on the north side of the pond Pöksynhaara.
- There are no campfire facilities or toilets.
- Firemaking is not allowed at all times.
Valkialampi camping site (without campfire facilities)
- A small pond, Valkialampi, is located in the southeast of Nuuksio National Park, near Lake Kattilajärvi.
- The tent area is on the east side of the pond Valkialampi.
- There are no campfire facilities or toilets.
- Firemaking is not allowed at all times.

More camping areas in and near Nuuksio National Park
Salmi Recreational Area
- Salmi recreational area is located north of Nuuksio National Park in the municipality of Vihti.
- The recreational area has a camping site, three cooking huts, two campfire areas, toilets, a sauna, a nature trail, a fireplace room, two playgrounds, outdoor trails, information boards, and parking areas.
Oittaa Recreational Area
- NOTE: The camping site is permanently closed.