Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University's School of Science is the Espoo Ambassador 2023, Espoo's congress ambassador. The recognition was granted to him by Visit Espoo on 19 December 2023. We asked Peter Lund what this recognition means and what he thinks are the best aspects of organising congresses.
Peter also shared his views on Espoo and Finland as congress destinations and his favourite places in Espoo. Read Peter's thoughts and greetings below to everyone considering convening or organising an international scientific congress.
Could you briefly tell us who you are and what kind of role you currently work in?
- I am a professor of technical physics at Aalto University. I research future energy solutions and global energy issues. The energy transition and related solutions, such as hydrogen energy or how to keep the energy system functioning when there is a lot of solar and wind power, are current themes in my research. I have a long university career behind me, which has resulted in many different international positions of trust and visiting professor positions. Until the end of the year, I will also be the vice-chairman of the Finnish Climate Change Panel.
- In my free time, moving in nature brings the necessary counterbalance to work. Reading has always been a pleasure - history, the development of humanity, and philosophy are my favourite subjects. Culture too. Time with my family and grandchildren is the best in my life.
What kind of role and importance do international scientific associations have in your own work?
- Internationality, in general, is central to research in any field. Moving forward in research requires activity in international forums. By networking well, you get 'leverage' for your own research. In this case, even from a small country, you can try to reach the top.
How do you see the congresses' longer-term effects on research in your field?
- Scientific organisations help bring together cooperation and share information widely, e.g. through conferences. These events are an excellent way to update your own knowledge of the latest events in the field, and highlight your achievements. Face-to-face discussions with other researchers often lead to new collaborative projects and even lifelong acquaintances, which open doors to many places. Therefore, the social side of congresses should, therefore, not be forgotten - small talks are helpful, even though, as Finns, we often avoid them.
What has made you apply for and organise international congresses?
Organising a congress is always an honourable task in which we represent our country.
- Of course, it is also a unique opportunity to present our research and our country's scientific achievements to an international audience and highlight Finland's best aspects to foreigners. The congress is often a good 'excuse' to invite the world's best here and network with them. We were lucky a few years ago when we organised the nanoenergy congress in Otaniemi and got the top of the field from America in Espoo - now one of the world's most cited scientists. A good friendship was born at the congress, which has continued for years and led to various cooperation.
What do you think are Finland's and Espoo's strengths from the point of view of organising international congresses?
- Finland has natural strengths for organising congresses, such as a safe environment, good infrastructure, and beautiful summer scenery. Connections from the capital region to different corners of the world are good, and it's easy to get here.
- Espoo combines many strengths such as wonderful nature, excellence and excellent facilities. The excellent cooperation between the city of Espoo and Aalto University in organising congresses, such as the help received from Visit Espoo in practical arrangements, makes organising an international congress much easier. There are natural conditions for organising congresses here. For foreigners, Espoo is often an unforgettable experience.
- Our nanoenergy congress, organised in the summer six years ago, was particularly memorable because of the wonderful congress reception organised by the city of Espoo. It was held at the Finnish Nature Center Haltia in Nuuksio, in great summer weather and in the middle of green nature - something few foreigners have ever experienced or will experience. These experiences in the middle of an intensive conference program create the 'Spirit of Espoo' for congresses that will be remembered.
What thoughts does your selection as the 2023 Espoo Ambassador evoke in you?
- It is a great honour to act as Espoo Ambassador. The position is the most desirable for a professor because the city of Espoo is very innovation and science friendly and forward-looking. I hope to be able to promote Espoo as a congress destination in my Otaniemi community and also make Espoo known on international forums. Nurturing and promoting the excellent cooperation between the city of Espoo and Aalto University is also important to me.
What would you like to say to a colleague considering inviting or organising an international scientific congress?
- Organising a congress is always worthwhile, even though it may sound like a big job. Of course, it requires organisation and time, but it is rewarding at the same time and gives a lot in return. The pluses are far more than the minuses.
- Right at the beginning, it is worth talking to a representative of Visit Espoo, who will give you good practical advice and help. It is good to check the availability of the conference place at the beginning. For example, there is plenty of space in Otaniemi during the summer. Hanasaari can also be a good choice for a small conference. The final arrangements will go more easily when you get the big lines ready at the beginning.
What is your favourite sight in Espoo that you would like every congress guest visiting Espoo to see and experience?
- Two things come to mind first. First, the Otaniemi area that is the most significant innovation centre in Northern Europe, where you can find marine nature within easy reach. And Nuuksio, with its wilderness reputation, is always a positive experience. Espoo's nature is unique, an excellent counterbalance to the dense program of conferences.
- I also want to add the Espoo archipelago to my favourites, which you can easily get to in the summer. The list of my favourites seems endless because it must include the Vaakkoi, Luukki and Salmi outdoor recreation areas, Nuuksio's north gate, the wonderful sandy beaches and culture of Pentala island, the Hanikka nature trail, etc.
- Espoo has something interesting for everyone, including the whole family. So it's worth staying a couple of extra days at the congress and getting to know them.