Timing: 20.-23.6.2024 (June)
What is it all about?
The longest day of the year is (one of) the most important event for Finns. After a long winter, it is finally time to kick off the summer holidays. Midsummer, or in the Finnish language, the so-called Juhannus, was a popular time for weddings, fertility, or love spells. Nowadays, most of the Finns head to their beloved summer cottages to celebrate the Midsummer with their friends and family. Barbequing, spelling, fishing, boating, or playing the popular mölkky game are typical parts of the celebrations.

Photo: Kathrin Deter
How can you celebrate the event?
- Light up bonfire (in Finnish ‘kokko’) to keep evil spirits away and ensure a good harvest season
- Prepare the season meals including local potatoes, vegatables or grilled sausages
- Spell the typical flower crown from wild flowers
- Take late night swim in the lake
- Stay overnight at one of Espoo's camping islands
- Join Midsummer Celebration events
Hero Image: Antti Rastivo